
Hi, my name is Monika Henter a singer/songwriter from Hungary, living in the south coast of Uk in beautiful Brighton. I've taken part in and organised different charity events and I would like to encourage my lovely Friends and Fans to join in.
This page contains most of my creative charity work , and some other activities that I'm proud to be part of.

Please feel free to leave comments, get in touch or click on some useful links or donation buttons. Thank you

2011. március 9., szerda

Busking Cancer - Music Photography

On 7th March we set up a Busking Cancer Evening with a fundraising bucket and photographer Mr Peter Williams was involved . The idea was to collect money on the night and take photos of performers and put them on the internet for sale.

one of the performers

Unfortunately we sold only one. And we didn't make much  money on the night either. Oh well.
The fundraising website is still up where you can find the link for the photos of the night.