
Hi, my name is Monika Henter a singer/songwriter from Hungary, living in the south coast of Uk in beautiful Brighton. I've taken part in and organised different charity events and I would like to encourage my lovely Friends and Fans to join in.
This page contains most of my creative charity work , and some other activities that I'm proud to be part of.

Please feel free to leave comments, get in touch or click on some useful links or donation buttons. Thank you

2012. április 22., vasárnap

Running the Marathon for Homeless World Cup and Porchlight

On 15th of April 2012 I faced one of the biggest challenges of my life,  the Brighton Marathon!

At school I used to hate running, especially with those kids who took the mickey out of me and my retro tight scool PA uniform/aerobic dress which would not have looked good on anyone especially on a fat kid like I was. Years later - when I discovered funk music and walkman - I realised that I actually liked jogging, but only at night when nobody could see me, wearing comfy big trousers, my old jumper and headphones. In a few years I got addicted to it, and running at night along the lovely Danube was my regular treatment for stress and saddness.

Some years later running at Brighton seafront become something really special and amazing, a secret/sacred part of my life which gave many of my days a happy ending. I felt close to nature, the moon and myself, made me so fit and strong that I decided to do the Marathon.

Running the Marathon has many symbols for me.
It's about persistence, keeping to long term commitments, and making "unrealistic" dreams come true.
It's proving that (if I don't depend on anyone else) I can do everything.
It's about appreciating our amazing human body and it's capacity, and health of course.
And my challenge was also about supporting homeless people around the world, raising money and awareness of those who live in unimaginable poverty.

I had an amazing day, full of adrenalin and smiles and was very lucky with the weather.

I still find it hard to believe that I've actually made it.  

I need to raise 1000 for Porchlight and Homeless World Cup. So please send your donations to make many "unrealistic dreams" come true!

Link to Homeless World Cup fundraising page: HERE
Link to Porchlight fundraising page: HERE

Thank you!!!